Performance Art
Venue : Online Streaming
Date : 1st May
Time : 7 pm – 10 pm
Artist : (Malaysia) Aisyah Baharuddin • Mislina Mustaffa • Lim Paik Yin
Britto Art Trust (Dhaka) – Ashim Halder Sagor • Emran Sohel • Jewel A Rob • Shubho Saha • Syed Muhammad Zakir
SFNlabs (Indonesia) – Hujjatul Islam • Irma Septiana • Kelompok Burung Hitam
Venue : Online Streaming
Date : 1st May
Time : 7 pm – 10 pm
Artist : (Malaysia) Aisyah Baharuddin • Mislina Mustaffa • Lim Paik Yin
Britto Art Trust (Dhaka) – Ashim Halder Sagor • Emran Sohel • Jewel A Rob • Shubho Saha • Syed Muhammad Zakir
SFNlabs (Indonesia) – Hujjatul Islam • Irma Septiana • Kelompok Burung Hitam
Aisyah Baharuddin
Aisyah Baharuddin was born in Pontian, Johor in 1980. Having grown up next to the sea, and her love of the nature and outdoors grew tremendously. Throughout her life, Aisyah has always been Fascinated by metaphors and how the world is represented through the symbols and codes. Naturally, she was drawn to the drawings and found objects. The interest was cultivated during her teenage years and further developed when she decided to take her Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Art. After completing her degree, majoring in painting, in 2004, Aisyah explored even more into her multimedia practice. Most of the artistic work practice is unique experimental approaches that interrogate and diverse; Mixed Media Painting, Living Art Installation, Performance Art and Street Art. Generally engaging Visual Arts and collaborates with social movements through community and Public art. |
Lim Paik Yin (b. 1980) is a visual anthropologist and an interdisciplinary artist. Her works use the human body as a visual motif to explore the various ideologies and political forces that shape attitudes towards human bodies. Her praxis in performance informs her visual anthropology research in trance and contemporary life in South East Asia. She has created multimedia works and conducted workshops linking dance with the camera since 2015. Network head of Research & Documentation of MyDance Alliance, Malaysia for the year 2020-2022 ; IN[formal] INTERchange (2018) Online Performance with 11 performance artist from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore & Thailand, film published in Journal : Volume 4 No. 1, 2018: New Cultures of Tracking, Live Streaming, Sharing, Liking and Commenting. and presented at panel of Research Day IV: Performance and Feminism, Theatre Academy, University of the Arts, Helsinki, Finland; Made performances in Australia, Berlin, Indonesia and Malaysia; Photography works exhibited in India, Malaysia, Singapore, Spain. |
Mislina Mustaffa
Mislina Mustaffa, despite several awards in her pockets, abandoned her 20 years film career to pursue her infamous Art/Life project 'Homeless by Choice', which is already 8 years; and still ongoing. Her writing work includes Homeless by Choice (2013), Are You Talking About Trust, Mislina Mustaffa? (2015) and now working on her new book, Forced House-Arrest. Currently active doing her site-specific Performance Art pieces focusing on the Ritual body of the thing called Desire in the world of Patriarchy, she still does not believe that the word 'beyond borders' existed only in her mind. It is for her to walk over it physically, in her own created 'playground'. And this is one of them, among many. |
Irma Septiana
Irma Septiana was born in Langko (West Lombok) on September 21, 1996. Her interest in the arts led her to study Art Education at Nahdlatul Ulama University, West Nusa Tenggara and completed in 2020.
In 2016 he joined the SFNlabs Mataram community and was actively involved in the process there. In this community, Irma attended training in acting, basic bodybuilding, art management and the creation of experimental works of art.
The play "Tuak Tiga Kopek" directed by Syamsul Fajri Nurawat is Irma's first performance as an actor in this community. This play was performed at the Cirebon III Theater Festival 2016 held by the Tjaruban Theater Group in Cirebon (West Java). However, despite often playing as an actor, Irma chose to focus on the exploration and exploration of dance, particularly contemporary dance.
In 2018, through the SFNlabs Creation Laboratory program, Irma began creating her first contemporary dance work entitled "Goodbye Mercury". Her dance work criticizes the invasion of cosmetic products made from mercury which has many negative impacts on the environment as well as for its users. Irma's work which is in the contemporary realm gives him the flexibility to express his ideas and not be fixated on existing values. He has a lot of themes on women and his ideas come from his personal experience. In his creative process, he always initiates dialogue with friends at SFNlabs and conducts research to strengthen his work ideas. The most recent contemporary dance work is entitled "Dara" (in Sasak it means dove or teenage girl). This work is currently being prepared to be performed in several places on the island of Lombok.
Irma Septiana was born in Langko (West Lombok) on September 21, 1996. Her interest in the arts led her to study Art Education at Nahdlatul Ulama University, West Nusa Tenggara and completed in 2020.
In 2016 he joined the SFNlabs Mataram community and was actively involved in the process there. In this community, Irma attended training in acting, basic bodybuilding, art management and the creation of experimental works of art.
The play "Tuak Tiga Kopek" directed by Syamsul Fajri Nurawat is Irma's first performance as an actor in this community. This play was performed at the Cirebon III Theater Festival 2016 held by the Tjaruban Theater Group in Cirebon (West Java). However, despite often playing as an actor, Irma chose to focus on the exploration and exploration of dance, particularly contemporary dance.
In 2018, through the SFNlabs Creation Laboratory program, Irma began creating her first contemporary dance work entitled "Goodbye Mercury". Her dance work criticizes the invasion of cosmetic products made from mercury which has many negative impacts on the environment as well as for its users. Irma's work which is in the contemporary realm gives him the flexibility to express his ideas and not be fixated on existing values. He has a lot of themes on women and his ideas come from his personal experience. In his creative process, he always initiates dialogue with friends at SFNlabs and conducts research to strengthen his work ideas. The most recent contemporary dance work is entitled "Dara" (in Sasak it means dove or teenage girl). This work is currently being prepared to be performed in several places on the island of Lombok.
Kelompok Burung Hitam
Kelompok Burung Hitam is an experimental music project whose birth was initiated by Reza Ashari (a musician with roots in the blues music scene) and Asta Tabibuddin (a writer, actor and theater director). This group was born in 2018 as one of the art projects being worked on in the SFNlabs Creation Laboratory program. Its presence is an attempt to reconcile the spirit of avant-garde music with theater as well as literature and then build a noir, spiritual and meditative atmosphere.
In their musical composition, Kelompok Burung Hitam tries to create a noir musical atmosphere by exploring a combination of experimental music practice with some elements of traditional music so as to produce a perfect balance with the avant-gardist spirit.
Reza Ashari is responsible for guitar and composition creation, while Asta Tabibuddin writes lyrics and explores various vocal techniques, such as screaming and so on.
They have appeared in many activities, such as the Music 13 event organized by the Tukad Abu Denpasar Community (2018) and the National Theater Week organized by the Jakarta Arts Council in 2018.
Kelompok Burung Hitam is an experimental music project whose birth was initiated by Reza Ashari (a musician with roots in the blues music scene) and Asta Tabibuddin (a writer, actor and theater director). This group was born in 2018 as one of the art projects being worked on in the SFNlabs Creation Laboratory program. Its presence is an attempt to reconcile the spirit of avant-garde music with theater as well as literature and then build a noir, spiritual and meditative atmosphere.
In their musical composition, Kelompok Burung Hitam tries to create a noir musical atmosphere by exploring a combination of experimental music practice with some elements of traditional music so as to produce a perfect balance with the avant-gardist spirit.
Reza Ashari is responsible for guitar and composition creation, while Asta Tabibuddin writes lyrics and explores various vocal techniques, such as screaming and so on.
They have appeared in many activities, such as the Music 13 event organized by the Tukad Abu Denpasar Community (2018) and the National Theater Week organized by the Jakarta Arts Council in 2018.
Huijatul Islam
Hujjatul Islam was born in Pemenang (North Lombok) on September 21, 1984. He began to pursue the art world, especially fine arts, since 2010. In that same year, he participated in a media arts workshop entitled "akumassa" which was facilitated by Forum Lenteng Jakarta. In the same year, he joined the Pasir Putih Pemenang Community (a community formed by the “akumassa” workshop participants).
In 2012, Hujjatul Islam attended an art residency at Hanafi's (renowned Indonesian painter) hanafi studio. Also in 2012, he collaborated on an art project with the Jakarta Serrum (Share Room) community. In 2016, he participated as a residency artist in an art program entitled "Bangsal Menggawe" (this program was initiated by the Pasir Putih Pemenang Community and the Jakarta Lenteng Forum). In 2017, Hujjatul also presented drawings at the Makassar Biennale. In 2018, he participated in an arts residency at the Silek Arts Festival (West Sumatra).
Since 2019-2020, he has been active in holding drawing workshops, inviting North Lombok visuals to exhibit and becoming a driving force for the fine arts movement in North Lombok.
Hujjatul Islam was born in Pemenang (North Lombok) on September 21, 1984. He began to pursue the art world, especially fine arts, since 2010. In that same year, he participated in a media arts workshop entitled "akumassa" which was facilitated by Forum Lenteng Jakarta. In the same year, he joined the Pasir Putih Pemenang Community (a community formed by the “akumassa” workshop participants).
In 2012, Hujjatul Islam attended an art residency at Hanafi's (renowned Indonesian painter) hanafi studio. Also in 2012, he collaborated on an art project with the Jakarta Serrum (Share Room) community. In 2016, he participated as a residency artist in an art program entitled "Bangsal Menggawe" (this program was initiated by the Pasir Putih Pemenang Community and the Jakarta Lenteng Forum). In 2017, Hujjatul also presented drawings at the Makassar Biennale. In 2018, he participated in an arts residency at the Silek Arts Festival (West Sumatra).
Since 2019-2020, he has been active in holding drawing workshops, inviting North Lombok visuals to exhibit and becoming a driving force for the fine arts movement in North Lombok.