Tools make working process easier, when that become a weapon, there is a change happen in life- either promotion or demotion. We built concrete structure from breaking stones and built City from breaking knowledge. My performance is just a presentation of a wicked character.
Tools make working process easier, when that become a weapon, there is a change happen in life- either promotion or demotion. We built concrete structure from breaking stones and built City from breaking knowledge. My performance is just a presentation of a wicked character.
Saleh Mahmud was born in 23rd June, 1967 at Gaibandha, Bangladesh and spent his childhood in Kishorganj until he came to study at the Institute of Fine Art, University of Dhaka in 1986. There he received his graduation in Drawing and Painting in 1995. ‘Chobir Hat’, an alternative platform based on the street was initiated by Saleh and his contemporaries, in 2003, at where, he contributed his time for years. He has participated in few exhibitions. These days he prefers to spend most of his time with his twin boys.